Delphi converting TByteDynArray to string and string to TByteDynArray functions
function ByteArrayToString(const ByteArray: TByteDynArray): string; var MStream: TMemoryStream; begin MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; CopyToStream(ByteArray, MStream); MStream.Position := 0; try MStream.Read(result,MStream.Size); finally MStream.Free; end; end;
function StringToByteArray(const Str: string): TByteDynArray; var MSTream: TMemoryStream; pTemp: pointer; begin MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MStream.Write(str,length(str)); MStream.Position := 0; SetLength(Result, MStream.Size); pTemp := @Result[0]; MStream.Position := 0; MStream.Read(pTemp^, MStream.Size); MStream.Free; end;
The same way you can save it in file too.
procedure ByteArrayToFile( const ByteArray : TByteDynArray; const FileName : string ); var Count : integer; F : FIle of Byte; pTemp : Pointer; begin AssignFile( F, FileName ); Rewrite(F); try Count := Length( ByteArray ); pTemp := @ByteArray[0]; BlockWrite(F, pTemp^, Count ); finally CloseFile( F ); end; end;
function FileToByteArray( const FileName : string ) : TByteDynArray; const BLOCK_SIZE=1024; var BytesRead, BytesToWrite, Count : integer; F : FIle of Byte; pTemp : Pointer; begin AssignFile( F, FileName ); Reset(F); try Count := FileSize( F ); SetLength(Result, Count ); pTemp := @Result[0]; BytesRead := BLOCK_SIZE; while (BytesRead = BLOCK_SIZE ) do begin BytesToWrite := Min(Count, BLOCK_SIZE); BlockRead(F, pTemp^, BytesToWrite , BytesRead ); pTemp := Pointer(LongInt(pTemp) + BLOCK_SIZE); Count := Count-BytesRead; end; finally CloseFile( F ); end; end;
Same achieve using Stream,
function ByteArrayFromStream( inStream : TMemoryStream ) : TByteDynArray;
var pTemp : pointer;
SetLength(Result, inStream.Size );
pTemp := @Result[0];
inStream.Position := 0;
inStream.Read(pTemp^, inStream.Size);
procedure CopyToStream( const InArray : TByteDynArray ; outStream :
TStream );
var pTemp : Pointer;
pTemp := @InArray[0];
outStream.Write( pTemp^, Length(InArray));
function ByteArrayToString(const ByteArray: TByteDynArray): string; var MStream: TMemoryStream; begin MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; CopyToStream(ByteArray, MStream); MStream.Position := 0; try MStream.Read(result,MStream.Size); finally MStream.Free; end; end;
function StringToByteArray(const Str: string): TByteDynArray; var MSTream: TMemoryStream; pTemp: pointer; begin MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; MStream.Write(str,length(str)); MStream.Position := 0; SetLength(Result, MStream.Size); pTemp := @Result[0]; MStream.Position := 0; MStream.Read(pTemp^, MStream.Size); MStream.Free; end;
The same way you can save it in file too.
procedure ByteArrayToFile( const ByteArray : TByteDynArray; const FileName : string ); var Count : integer; F : FIle of Byte; pTemp : Pointer; begin AssignFile( F, FileName ); Rewrite(F); try Count := Length( ByteArray ); pTemp := @ByteArray[0]; BlockWrite(F, pTemp^, Count ); finally CloseFile( F ); end; end;
function FileToByteArray( const FileName : string ) : TByteDynArray; const BLOCK_SIZE=1024; var BytesRead, BytesToWrite, Count : integer; F : FIle of Byte; pTemp : Pointer; begin AssignFile( F, FileName ); Reset(F); try Count := FileSize( F ); SetLength(Result, Count ); pTemp := @Result[0]; BytesRead := BLOCK_SIZE; while (BytesRead = BLOCK_SIZE ) do begin BytesToWrite := Min(Count, BLOCK_SIZE); BlockRead(F, pTemp^, BytesToWrite , BytesRead ); pTemp := Pointer(LongInt(pTemp) + BLOCK_SIZE); Count := Count-BytesRead; end; finally CloseFile( F ); end; end;
Same achieve using Stream,
function ByteArrayFromStream( inStream : TMemoryStream ) : TByteDynArray;
var pTemp : pointer;
SetLength(Result, inStream.Size );
pTemp := @Result[0];
inStream.Position := 0;
inStream.Read(pTemp^, inStream.Size);
procedure CopyToStream( const InArray : TByteDynArray ; outStream :
TStream );
var pTemp : Pointer;
pTemp := @InArray[0];
outStream.Write( pTemp^, Length(InArray));
1 comment:
nice sample, can you add the units for compile this code
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